
Using multiple visual representations to understand the earthquake cycle

The GeoCoder model displays block code (procedural representation, left), the Deformation Simulation (geometric representation, upper right), and the deformation over time graph (graphical representation, bottom right).

Symbols, objects, maps, graphs, and simulations are all powerful tools for conveying information. However, some complex ideas just can’t be captured in a single representation. In these cases, multiple visualizations can be used together to convey and connect several pieces of related information. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, news organizations used a combination of […]

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Changing climates, changing forests: What is the future of boreal forests?

Boreal Forest Fire Explorer

Massive amounts of Earth’s stored carbon is located in boreal forests, including those in northern Canada and Alaska. As temperatures rise and wildfires become more frequent, scientists are studying the boreal forest’s transformation from carbon sink to carbon source. We partnered with Dr. Brian Buma at the University of Colorado Denver and the Environmental Defense […]

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Linking block coding, visual representations, and science concepts

GeoCoder with block code (left) and a visual representation of two tectonic plates (right).

The everyday work of modern seismologists—the scientists who study earthquakes, hazards, and risks—exists right at the intersection of two NGSS practices: “Analyzing and Interpreting Data” and “Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking.” Seismologists collect huge amounts of data from satellites, remote sensors, and GPS networks in order to monitor Earth’s surface for signs of land movement […]

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GeoCode: Volcanic Hazards Module Released to the Public

GeoCoder model

We are excited to announce that our GeoCode: Volcanic Hazards module is available for public use! This free two-week curriculum for middle and high school students has been piloted by participating research teachers as part of the National Science-Foundation funded GeoCode project and extensively studied and redesigned based on our research. It is now available […]

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Use GeoCode Explorer to teach about volcanoes and block programming


Volcanoes are some of the most impressive and unstoppable features on Earth. From the amazing artifacts at Pompeii to the photos of forests flattened by lava flows, the dangers associated with volcanoes are both terrifying and awe-inspiring. However, despite the risks, millions of people live in constant threat of damage to their homes, and more […]

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Understand Atlantic Hurricane Season with Hurricane Explorer

Hurricane Modeler

Chris Lore is a Research Assistant on the GeoHazard project at the Concord Consortium. Julia LaCava is a summer intern at the Concord Consortium. A junior at Ithaca College, she majors in communications. Hurricane Dorian slammed the Bahamas as a Category 5 storm, the highest of the five storm ratings, defined by sustained wind speeds […]

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