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Teaching Evolution with Models

…the teachers through an online course. The Evolution Readiness project is a challenging one. Although the individual concepts we cover— adaptation, variability, and inheritance—are included in state and national science…

The Deeply Digital Texts Initiative

…Texts are part of a top-down authoritarian model of education, where a few experts dictate what the masses must learn. Electronic media development can take place within an online community…

Perspective: Teaching Beyond the PDF

…resources can already be witnessed. We invite you to read about them in the pages that follow—and to experience them online yourself. At the start of another school year, we…

Collaboratories for Genetics Learning

…unchecked. The student encountering this disease is able to analyze the affected dragon’s DNA and compare it with known sequences in an online database, identifying a specific mutation as the…

Ready, Set, Go Evolution!

…supported teachers with online training, classroom guides, and face-to-face workshops. Results show significant student gains At the start of our project there were no test instruments available that measured understanding…