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Innovator Interview: Stephen Bannasch

…really believe it! * The International Netcourse Teacher Enhancement Coalition (INTEC) was one of the first large-scale online teacher professional development courses in the country, offering courses to 800 math…

News at Concord Consortium

…settings, as well as mobile online professional learning for educators to expand new knowledge and practices in facilitating youth and public experiences. Three NISE Network museums (CCM, Sciencenter, and the…

Blogging About Breeding Evidence

…by large amounts of bioinformatics data. Students conduct breeding experiments within a fanciful game-based environment and interact within an online community of fellow student scientists. Enter the narrative world of…

Visualizing Earth and Explaining Seasons

…inquiry curriculum unit on seasons for secondary Earth science students, using the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE). WISE is a free, online open-source platform developed at the University of California,…

GRASPing Invisible Concepts

…flexibility, and compatibility with our browser-based online simulations. Gesture control is not used to operate the computer’s “widgets”—buttons, sliders, or checkboxes—but to manipulate the central actions and elements of the…

Innovator Interview: Pendred Noyce

…study to look at growth in interest and engagement over time. We’re also funding Click 2 Science, which will offer short, just-in-time online video learning experiences for after school personnel…

Monday’s Lesson: Seeing Heat Transfer

“When I observe my students in traditional lab experiments versus simulated investigations online or a combination of the two, it’s evident that deeper connections are made with this generation [of…

The Future of Fracking: Exploring Human Energy Use

…This is where High-Adventure Science comes in. The National Science Foundation has funded the development of an online curriculum for middle school and high school students that covers five Earth…