
Piloting the “Assessing Volcanic Hazards and Risk with Code” Module during COVID-19

This spring I had the opportunity to pilot the new online GeoCode tephra activities developed as part of the NSF-funded Visualizing GeoHazards and Risk with Code project with my 9th grade Honors Earth Science classes in Evergreen, Colorado. I’d been looking forward to the pilot for months, but only a handful of weeks before our […]

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Incorporating writing, data, and social justice in middle school classrooms

Three blocks with backgrounds of swirled colors representing flexible language use, expansive science repertoires, and contextual understanding of data

Twenty-five middle school teachers from Berkeley, Oakland, and the surrounding areas of northern California recently met online as part of a virtual professional learning workshop called “Telling Data Stories: Scientific Data, Student Experience, and Authorship for Social Justice in Middle School Classrooms.” The workshop was offered by the Writing Data Stories project, a collaboration of […]

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Teaching About Risk and Hazards

Wildfire Model

The GeoHazard team contributed to this blog post. We have just wrapped up a week of remote professional learning for our GeoHazard: Modeling Natural Hazards and Assessing Risks project. The goal of GeoHazard is to help students interpret data and understand the factors influencing the progression of and risks associated with natural hazards. Due to […]

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New project to help teachers use open-ended tools aligned with goals of NGSS

Epidemic model in SageModeler

Understanding responses to the current COVID-19 pandemic and solving other pressing global and local problems requires the ability to develop and use models and apply both system thinking and computational thinking. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) include systems and system models as one of the crosscutting concepts, and developing and using models and using […]

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Updating Real-World Datasets When New Data Become Available

The High-Adventure Science modules, first written in 2011-2013, are each based on a big unanswered question in Earth/environmental science. These six modules include interactive computer-based systems models and real-world data that students use for evidence as they develop scientific arguments. The modules incorporate real-world data from the National Aeronautic and Space Administration, National Oceanic and […]

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Infusing genetics with data science and three-dimensional teaching

Fast Plants seedlings

Let’s face it, three-dimensional teaching takes work. There are disciplinary core ideas (DCI), science and engineering practices (SEP), and crosscutting concepts (CCC) to pack in. A simple new tool may help biology classes reap the benefits of Next Generation Science Standards instruction with big payoffs. The 3D Teacher Moves Table, developed for a groundbreaking webinar […]

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