
10 Publications in 2021 Focus on Innovations in STEM Teaching and Learning

We published nine articles in researcher and teacher practitioner journals and one book chapter in 2021 that showcase innovations in STEM teaching and learning through technology. Learn how to design curricular materials that leverage digital tools for system modeling (#2), how to ensure powerful data learning experiences for all learners (#6), how to operationalize and […]

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For Equity and Justice, Start Where Students Are and Help Them Find Answers

Students from Longsjo Middle School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, at the EcoTarium

We recently revised our mission and vision statements, and described our efforts to address issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in several of our research projects. We know that this was only a beginning. As we said, “We are still learning how to design science, technology, engineering, and mathematics resources that are more socially […]

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Oregon teachers test local streams. There are lots more to test!

Woman demonstrating water test by the river

Over 100,00 miles of rivers and streams crisscross the state of Oregon, and it boasts more federally designated Wild and Scenic segments of river than anywhere else in the country. Water practically outlines the state with the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Columbia River defining much of the northern boundary with Washington, and the […]

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Refocusing our Mission and Vision Statements Through an Equity Lens

Una gota rompe la piedra mural by Layqa Nuna Yawar. Photo by Kristen Rae Miranda. Used with permission.

When Robert Tinker founded the Concord Consortium in 1994, his goal was to make science exciting and open to all. From Bob’s earliest invention to make experimental data collection quick and easy with the use of fast-response sensors to his groundbreaking technology to expose the invisible and mysterious world of atoms and molecules in the […]

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Remote Professional Development: Using a System Modeling Tool for 3D Teaching and Learning

Fertilizer variable linked to water quality variable in SageModeler

Modeling is key to how scientists help explain complex phenomena—from the coronavirus pandemic to climate change—and explore scientific and engineering problems. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) recognize the importance of Systems and Systems Models as one of the crosscutting concepts, and Developing and Using Models and Using Computational Thinking as two of the science […]

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New project explores COVID-inspired data science education through epidemiology

Close up of Case of COVID Crisis book cover

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is providing an unprecedented amount of health and social science data, and serves as a compelling starting point to engage in data science activities. A new project funded by the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program at the National Science Foundation is designed to empower young people to […]

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