
From science teacher to Scrum Master

Screenshot from Zoom meeting of Scrum teams

Science teacher to Scrum Master may not seem like a natural transition. Indeed, my friends and family wondered about my recent career switch to Scrum Master at the Concord Consortium. Let me explain how I got here. According to Scrum Alliance®, a Scrum Master is “the Scrum team member tasked with fostering an effective and […]

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The Scrum cycle

Scrum cycle

As an organization dedicated to innovating and inspiring equitable, large-scale improvements in STEM teaching and learning through technology, we develop a lot of technology. I mean a lot. Our Scrum approach to technology development is always evolving. We adapt to each research project, team, person, and circumstance to be as efficient and effective as possible. […]

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A search for data offers a new friendship and answers to 8th graders’ questions

Four students at desk exploring data in CODAP

Google “Japanese Internment data” and you’ll find thousands of links. There are sites dedicated to Japanese culture, ancestry, and history, plus government records, university departments, museums, and public television stations with scores of information. There are even sites devoted to finding other sites with links to data. I recently found myself, like Edgar Allan Poe, […]

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A rocky road to curiosity

TecRocks Explorer

Ambitious Science Teaching now includes a focus on equity and reaching diverse student populations. One principle of the Critical and Cultural Approaches to Ambitious Science Teaching (C2-AST) framework (Thompson et al., 2021) is to situate learning around phenomena that prioritizes students’ communities and cultures, their local environment, and daily experience. While this can be a […]

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