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Building Learning Communities

…World Carolyn Staudt 10:45 – 11:45 AM, Berkeley, Boston Park Plaza Model My Watershed gives students access to real data in real places so they can make informed decisions about…

GRASP Research Project

…learners. Research We seek to identify types of body motion that support causal explanations of observable phenomena. Central to this study are body motions that promote causal explanations, called embodied…

Next Step Learning Research Project

…in real and virtual worlds. For these technologies to effectively support and integrate classroom and afterschool learning, we are developing a new Building Science Investigation curriculum to align the technology…

Next Generation Science Assessment Research Project

…to develop, test, and analyze sets of technology-supported diagnostic classroom assessments for middle school physical science and life science. The validity studies address cognitive, inferential, and instructional aspects of validity…

Graph Literacy Research Project

…people learn to “read” and understand graphs. Statistical tests established that the assessment is reliable. Teachers were asked to describe instructional activities each week in which students used graphs. Experimental

MSELA Conference

…understanding of water. Model My Watershed is based on the premise that this barrier between students’ conceptual understanding of watershed content and their real world actions can be bridged by…

MAST Conference 2017

Boxborough, MA Nov. 2-3, 2017 Conference Website The 2017 Annual MAST Conference: Spotlight on Science will cover climate change education, new teacher resources, student misconceptions, technology resources in the science…

EdSurge Fusion 2017

…Mechatronics is a novel design medium integrating traditional educational papercrafts with mechanical design, electronic engineering, and computational thinking. Paper mechatronics makes possible a craft-oriented approach to engineering and computing education…

Geniverse Research Project

…virtual model species (drakes) to explore the fundamental mechanisms of heredity and genetic diseases and then get a taste of careers in genetics. While following a courageous protagonist on a…