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Perspective: Teaching Beyond the PDF

…across oceans, and address individual student needs. It is these traits, far more profound than mere portability, that demonstrate the real advantages digital texts can offer. With this issue, we…

The Deeply Digital Texts Initiative

…learning by guided exploration of real and virtual worlds. Instead of being told, students can be guided to discover for themselves how the world works. Compelling and personal immersive environments…

Collaboratories for Genetics Learning

…will be available for doctors and patients within two years.3 These rapid developments in genetics will radically affect individual health decisions, national political debates, and human ethical concerns. Open any…

Teaching and Learning Heat Transfer with Energy2D

…these processes are often concurrent and intertwined. Reasoning about a thermal phenomenon requires calculations based on a synthesis of knowledge from all three. A hand calculator alone won’t do the…

Perspective: Are We There Yet?

…past. It provides a number of useful lessons about the gradual progress of educational technology. It can also teach us about the conditions that support technology adoption. As many people…

What is in a Molecular Workbench simulation? Blog Post

…to demonstrate the phenomena. In addition, a super-strong gravitational field is applied to accelerate the gravitational effect (you might have heard from someone that the gravitational effect is not important…