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From science teacher to Scrum Master Blog Post

…are people first and having fun should be a part of their daily on-the-job routine. Five values are at the core of Scrum: commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect. It…

The Scrum cycle Blog Post

…approach to technology development is always evolving. We adapt to each research project, team, person, and circumstance to be as efficient and effective as possible. On our development team, we…

Data in Space and Time Research Project

Importance Spatiotemporal (ST) data—data that vary across both space and time—are at the heart of pressing, socially relevant issues, such as climate change, disease spread, and population trends. Adolescents regularly…

Google Classroom and CODAP integration Blog Post

…Parachute Model? Students can save their CODAP document to Google Drive, then when they’re ready, they can turn in their CODAP document—complete with their graphs or text boxes as…

A rocky road to curiosity Blog Post

…Gallagher, M. W., Silvia, P. J., Winterstein, B. P., Breen, W. E., Terhar, D., & Steger, M. F. (2009). The curiosity and exploration inventory-II: Development, factor structure, and psychometrics. Journal…

News at Concord Consortium

…meaningful inquiries across tables, graphs, and texts, making machine learning models transparent, explainable, and engaging. Students can use StoryQ to train, test, and troubleshoot text classification models using feature extraction…

Teacher Innovator Interview: Rachel Folger

…internment and having her students use CODAP to explore the data with tables, maps, and graphs. And, yes, she knows that her students are also analyzing graphs in their math…