…help biology classes reap the benefits of Next Generation Science Standards instruction with big payoffs. The 3D Teacher Moves Table, developed for a groundbreaking webinar that brought together our Common…
…instruction has the potential to support science learning for students by making complex systems more accessible. Dynamic models of Earth systems can help students understand the underlying mechanisms and physical…
…19, 2023, https://wellcome.org/sites/default/files/wtvm052732_0.pdf National Science Teaching Association. (2020). STEM Education Teaching and Learning, NSTA Position Statement. Accessed February 20, 2023, https://www.nsta.org/nstas-official- positions/stem-education-teaching-and-learning Scholastic Incorporated. (2013). Storm Protection Activity Sheet, Scholastic…
…long to see the human-caused warming amidst the natural fluctuations. More data leads to more accurate conclusions. Explore the hows of climate change in the High-Adventure Science climate investigation. https://www.llnl.gov/news/newsreleases/2011/Nov/NR-11-11-03.html…
…no easy feat. But working in these harsh conditions is the only way that scientists might be able to understand what Earth’s climate was like 1.5 million years ago. http://www.npr.org/2011/03/04/134229249/its-bottoms-up-for-antarctic-ice-sheets…
…works. You can explore how groundwater flows and propose solutions to water-supply issues in the High-Adventure Science water investigation. http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/tx-drought.html Drought spurring fracking concerns Oil’s Growing Thirst for Water Texas…
[Editor’s note: Piotr Janik (janikpiotrek@gmail.com) was a Google Summer of Code 2012 student at the Concord Consortium and is now a consultant working on our Next-Generation Molecular Workbench.] Some time…
…developers to set aside land for beavers Learn about the science behind groundwater recharge and the water table in the High-Adventure Science investigation, “Will there be enough fresh water?”. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904253204576512391087253596.html?mod=ITP_AHED#articleTabs%3Darticle…
From xkcd: http://xkcd.com/263/ Question: How can we trust ourselves (or scientists) to know the truth about anything? Answer: We look at the evidence. Scientists back up their claims with evidence….
jsPerf.com lets you write two equivalent ways to accomplish something in JavaScript and it then measures how fast each method is in every browser you run the test in. Other…