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Hitting the Wall Blog Post

…the beginning, atoms hitting the balloon wall on either side move it just a tiny bit—transferring some of their kinetic energy to the barrier. At equilibrium, the balloon wall remains…

Daily energy analysis in Energy3D Blog Post

…skeptics who are not sure whether they should trust the results), the annual analysis is sometimes a bit like a black box. This is because if there are too many…

Teaching Evolution with Models

…own seeds and offspring. If there is a bit too much or too little water, the plant will be sickly and produce fewer seeds or no seeds at all. In…

Thursday’s Lesson: The Greenhouse Effect

…is an average global temperature, which is determined by the amount of energy in the earth. Students can see that the temperature always fluctuates a bit, but that clouds, greenhouse…

Innovator Interview: Janet Kolodner

…and learn from their experiences, and we would do a little bit of curriculum development to go along. We didn’t know how hard curriculum development is, and we didn’t know…