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A Red “Snow White” Blog Post

…Snow White has been sitting out there, slowly losing its atmosphere, and now there’s just a little bit left.” Mike Brown doesn’t yet know that Snow White has methane; there’s…

The thermogenesis of a moth Blog Post

…responded slowly because it could have been exhausted as it had struggled quite a bit before it was imaged. What interests me in this experiment is thermogenesis: the process of…

Seeing permeation of water molecules Blog Post

…paper a little bit, we will see three zones with three different temperatures. The coolest zone shows the effect of evaporative cooling from both sides. The overlap zone shows the…

When in Drought… Blog Post

…a bit, people’s wells could dry out, and it takes time to recover.” The question is: how long will it take to replenish the water that has been removed from…

Bungee Physics Blog Post

…of the “U” formed by the falling links, could impart a bit of force on the falling side and make it fall faster than free-fall. Another way of saying this…