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NARST 2019

…play a role in the production of any bit of data, and the characteristics of such factors are heavily dependent on the peculiarities of, for example, the particular experimental design,…

American Society for Engineering Education 2019

…to connect digital and physical worlds, and help teach a wide range of computational concepts, like inputs, outputs, loops, sensors, and pulse width. Recent microcontrollers, like the Micro:Bit and HummingBird…

Doing without cookie cutter labs Blog Post

…taught last year. With a bit of guidance, students are able to set up and modify their own experiments. Students use sensors, Raspberry Pis, and Dataflow to see the amount…

Innovator Interview: Ethan McElroy

…process, Mercury’s words and voice sparked ideas for a new verse and an original bit of improvisational scat singing. Like searching for the correct shape in his artwork, Ethan has…