
Evolution is a Model, Why Not Teach It That Way?

Paul Horwitz has written a chapter of the book “Multiple Representations in Biological Education,” edited by David F. Treagust and Chi-Yan Tsui, and published by Springer Verlag. The chapter, entitled “Evolution is a model, why not teach it that way?,” describes our Evolution Readiness learning activities and research about their use with fourth grade students.

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A mixed-reality gas lab

In his Critique of Pure Reason, the Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant asserted that “conception without perception is empty, perception without conception is blind. The understanding can intuit nothing, the senses can think nothing. Only through their unison can knowledge arise.” More than 200 years later, his wisdom is still enlightening our NSF-funded Mixed-Reality Labs project. […]

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SmartGraphs Success

Our SmartGraphs project team conducted additional experimental research this fall. Nearly three dozen eighth and ninth grade physical science teachers in Pennsylvania used SmartGraphs activities with 75 different classes. One finding that has emerged quickly is that teachers were very satisfied with the online activities.

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9 Highlights of 2012

It was a great year for the Concord Consortium! We won a Smaller Business Association of New England (SBANE) Innovation Award! Next-Generation Molecular Workbench interactives starred in the MIT MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) “Introduction to Solid State Chemistry” through a new collaboration with edX. Chad Dorsey described our vision of deeply digital education at […]

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