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MAST Conference 2017

…an Intelligent Tutor Kiley McElroy-Brown, Frieda Reichsman, Trudi Lord 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Colonial Room Bring laptops/tablets to play Geniventure, Concord Consortium’s updated version of the popular, free, online

EdSurge Fusion 2017

…and leave with a clear action agenda. Thursday, November 2 The Common Online Data Analysis Platform—Getting more students in more classrooms to do more with data William Finzer 12:00 –…

Geniverse Research Project

…Teacher implementation and the impact of game-based science curriculum materials. Journal of Science Education and Technology. Advance online publication. Dorsey, C., & Reichsman, F. (2015). Dragons fly higher with new…

The Data Science Education Revolution

…data sets and new challenges. Such data tools exist. The technology used in the two examples above is our Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP). Designed specifically as a robust…

Innovator Interview: Pendred Noyce

…study to look at growth in interest and engagement over time. We’re also funding Click 2 Science, which will offer short, just-in-time online video learning experiences for after school personnel…

The Challenge to Solarize the World

…schools. If students cannot finish a project in the classroom or wish to undertake more projects out of school, Part III supports them to continue in an online community, possibly…

The Cryptic Case of the Coded Fair Blog Post

…Table, the Enigma, and public and private keys. But will they break Dr. G’s code in time to save the science fair? A computer-based online extension that allows readers to…