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Next Generation Science Assessment Research Project

…Consortium’s online delivery platform allows us to take advantage of web-based tools and simulations that benefit students and teachers, as well as researchers on our team working to validate and…

Two Google Summer of Coders Blog Post

…by researchers. Our goal is to create a common system for sending user action logging data from our HTML5 activities into our existing visualization application, CODAP (Common Online Data Analysis…

Developing Watershed Stewards

…a scientifically valid online watershed modeling application. They simulate runoff from a storm event, collect data from their schoolyard, analyze local data from national databases, and model changes in land…

Visualizing Earth and Explaining Seasons

…inquiry curriculum unit on seasons for secondary Earth science students, using the Web-based Inquiry Science Environment (WISE). WISE is a free, online open-source platform developed at the University of California,…

News at Concord Consortium

…the following themes: tools for inquiry, learning and collaboration, data explorations, sustainability and the environment, tinkering with models, playful experimentation, online learning, or learning everywhere. We are also creating a…

A virtual heliodon from Energy3D Blog Post

…it comes with a design studio for you to create your own buildings. Imagine designing your houses online and use the virtual heliodon to check how the sun shines on…

Beautiful Chemistry Blog Post

…collaborator and a materials scientist with a Ph.D. degree from the University of Minnesota, is launching a campaign to change that image. The result of his work is now online

Interactive Heat Transfer Simulations for Everyone Blog Post

…Xie’s introductory article “Interactive Heat Transfer Simulations for Everyone” published in the April issue of the Physics Teacher. If you’re an online subscriber, read “Interactive Heat Transfer Simulations for Everyone“…

Visual Process Analytics (VPA) launched Blog Post

Visual Process Analytics (VPA) is an online analytical processing (OLAP) program that we are developing for visualizing and analyzing student learning from complex, fine-grained process data collected by interactive learning…