Search Results for: ДИЗАЙН ЧЕЛОВЕКА Виктория Джем Топовый Специалист Дизайн Человека Human Design

Data and Analytics Spotlight

One of the Concord Consortium’s focus areas involves determining new ways to understand deep student learning of skills and processes such as science practices and engineering design. We’ve pioneered this…

Constructive Chemistry: A Case Study of Gas Laws

…and how to apply them to design working systems. Because the Molecular Workbench simulation engine calculates the motion of atoms and molecules based on their interactions, it can model a…

Simulating cool roofs with Energy3D Blog Post

…the roof is insulated, the less its color impacts the energy cost. With Energy3D, students can easily explore these design variables. This new feature, along with others such as the…

Why Aren’t There Probes in More Classrooms? Blog Post

…Association Project for Energy-Enriched Curriculum funded by the U. S. Department of Energy. HRM (Human Relations Media) Software in early 1983 published the software developed in the PEEC project, including…