
Research in Educational Technology in 2019

We’re making an impact with 12 publications in researcher and teacher practitioner journals that showcase the state of the field in STEM educational technology in 2019. Learn about a theoretical framework that positions students as data producers rather than merely data collectors (#10), automated text scoring and feedback in Earth science curriculum modules (#3, #12), […]

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Evolution education evolves to address high school students in Connected Biology

Peter White and Son

Constructing a coherent picture of the multiple complex biological processes involved in evolution is challenging—more so because of how evolution is taught in school. “One of the barriers to students understanding evolution is that we have all these processes that can be involved with evolution, but students don’t learn about them in the same context,” […]

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32-bit Fathom and why you should try CODAP

CODAP Sampler

I’ve been developing data exploration software for decades, having led the Fathom Dynamic Data Software development team at KCP Technologies before joining the Concord Consortium in 2014. And I’ve been steering the development of our Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) since then, thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation. Both Fathom and […]

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Using IR cameras to teach life lessons

Teacher Ambassador Craig Beaulieu

Craig Beaulieu has set a goal for this school year: to wear a different tie dye shirt every day. He’s on target so far. “As teachers, I feel that we teach in Neverland,” he says. “It is the adults that are getting older while all the children remain in the same age range.” He believes teaching helps him stay young at heart and live a fulfilled life. Wearing colorful shirts to school may help, too.

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ConnectedBio Teachers Showcase a Technology-enhanced Way to Present Evolution at NABT

Connected Biology deer mouse simulation

Challenged by how to teach the complex topics of genetics and evolution in an integrated way? Then don’t miss Concord Consortium’s upcoming Connected Biology presentation at the National Association of Biology Teachers annual professional development conference in Chicago (November 14-17, 2019). Three high school biology teachers who have piloted ConnectedBio’s technology-enhanced lessons and hands-on manipulatives […]

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Working with the weefolk

Teacher Ambassador Kathleen Reynolds

Kathleen Reynolds found her way to teaching after earning a bachelor’s degree in art history and then spending 20 years at home raising her children. When it came time to think about what to do next, she fondly remembered teaching nature lessons and maple sugaring at The Children’s Museum in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and volunteering at an inner city day camp for five- and six-year-olds during college. “Becoming an early childhood educator seemed to be a good fit for me.” She’s been teaching kindergarten ever since—19 years.

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Inspiring students to do science like scientists

“Only by making sense of what they are seeing and doing can students truly appreciate what science is and what scientists need to do to better understand our world,” says Ed Crandall.

He brings this sense of adventure to his life and his teaching. When backpacking in Alaska and hiking in Zion National Park, the extreme beauty nearly crumpled him. Ed was equally moved when he first saw Maxwell’s equations in a physics lecture. He now laughs about “being brought to tears by math.”

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