Get involved with the new CODAP website

Jacob Sagrans is Senior Research Associate at Tumblehome, Inc., and a consultant on data science projects.

We are excited to announce that CODAP now has a new website! Special thanks go to Doubleberry for designing this beautiful site. We encourage you to explore the many enhanced resources the CODAP website now offers.

CODAP homepage showing hero image and navigation bar

As part of our ongoing effort to modernize CODAP and begin establishing a pathway to enable an open-source ecosystem, we have been reconsidering how to better serve the CODAP community. Our goal is to provide resources for learners to use CODAP for data analysis, exploration, and visualization; help educators find datasets, lessons, and curriculum to use with their students; encourage and support developers to make new plugins or contribute to CODAP’s codebase in other ways; and support researchers in studying data science learning.

To help guide the website redesign, we surveyed and spoke with CODAP users. Thanks to their feedback, we found that users wanted additional help resources, as well as datasets and data science activities to use with CODAP. We updated the help resources and made it easier to find data activities that highlight CODAP’s many features.

The new homepage provides a handsome overview of CODAP’s capabilities, with links to get started and explore example documents/datasets, instructive GIFs illustrating basic CODAP features, and an invitation to join the CODAP community.

Use the navigation bar at the top of the site to get to the main sections, to launch CODAP itself, or to search the website by clicking on the magnifying glass. You can search the full website, or filter results by How-to and FAQ pages or the Forum. At the bottom of every page you will find a footer with the sitemap, which you can also use to navigate the site. And on subpages of the new website, there are now breadcrumbs near the top that you can use to navigate back.

On the new website, we feature loads of example datasets (on the Educators page), plugins (on the Developers page), publications featuring CODAP (on the Researchers page), partnerships involving CODAP (on the Community page), and more. Click the arrows on the right and left of these special carousels to learn more!

You’ll also find ways to get involved throughout the site, from translating CODAP into a new language to suggesting a new feature or collaborating on research. Finally, we extend an invitation to contribute to the Forum, now found in the Community page and Help page.

We hope you have fun exploring the new CODAP website and take an active role in the CODAP community! Let us know what else you’d like to see on the website by commenting in the Forum.