Category: Author: Cynthia McIntyre
While our main offices are located in Concord, Massachusetts, and El Cerrito, California, nine of our 45 employees call other states home. Like many companies, we began working remotely during the pandemic and most of us continue to do so much of the time. But as an organization dedicated to innovating and inspiring equitable, large-scale […]
The theme for this year’s Robert F. Tinker Fellows Program, which aims to promote innovation, creativity, and cross-disciplinary conversations, focuses on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM education. We are delighted to announce two Tinker Fellows in 2023. Colby Tofel-Grehl will collaborate on a geoscience project and plans to develop companion professional learning materials for […]
We’re delighted to present the year in review with our top 10 highlights. 1. We Update Our Workspaces Most of our employees now work remotely much of the time. While we love to collaborate over Zoom, in Google Docs, and on GitHub and Pivotal Tracker, we also enjoy getting together in person, especially in our […]
We published a record number of publications in 2022, including 15 journal articles and a book chapter. From articles for educators to implement free resources to research articles to inform the field, we wrote about a wide range of topics, including data science education, artificial intelligence, geoscience education, game-based learning, and more. Most of the […]
Ask Hollylynne Lee and Gemma Mojica, the co-directors of the Hub for Research and Innovation in Statistics Education at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University, about their current goal for education and you’ll hear their very big plans: transform undergraduate teacher preparation in data science and statistics education. With the exponential […]
Our Multilevel Computational Modeling collaborative project with Michigan State University has developed a novel theoretical framework based on a literature review of modeling, systems thinking (ST) and computational thinking (CT). The framework, which was also informed by years of work developing our SageModeler systems modeling software and researching student modeling, highlights how both ST and […]
Devin Finzer learned the value of data exploration and visualization early. His father, Bill Finzer, led the Fathom Dynamic Data Software development team at KCP Technologies and has been leading the development of the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) at the Concord Consortium since 2014. Thanks to Devin Finzer’s generous gift of nearly $2 […]
A new report details the successes of an afterschool program designed to engage and empower underrepresented teens in using data to explore issues of societal importance. Coauthored by Concord Consortium president and CEO Chad Dorsey, Andee Rubin of TERC, and Michelle Mann of NetApp, Preparing youth for the data-filled future (PDF) describes essential takeaways for […]
Have you ever wondered why, even on a very hot day, you feel cold when coming out of a pool, lake, or sprinkler? The Multilevel Computational Modeling project, a collaboration with the CREATE for STEM Institute at Michigan State University, has developed a new curriculum unit called “Why do I feel colder when I am […]
The theme for this year’s Robert F. Tinker Fellows Program, which aims to promote innovation, creativity, and cross-disciplinary conversations, focuses on inclusion, equity, and access in STEM education. We are delighted to announce two Tinker Fellows in 2022. Heather Barker will create data exploration activities for students from middle grades through introductory statistics college courses […]