
Three-dimensional learning in the chemistry classroom

Teacher Ambassador Michael Lim

Michael Lim loves literature that’s inspiring. “What better way to enjoy meaningful texts than to teach them?” he thought. So he earned his college degree in English education. However, when he graduated there were no jobs available. Thankfully, he also had a “few years of pre-med classes,” so he put them to good use and became a long-term substitute chemistry teacher. Michael went on to pass the chemistry certification exam, and has been teaching 10th, 11th, and 12th grade chemistry for twelve years.

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Doing without cookie cutter labs

Teacher Ambassador Kristina Koster

Kristina Koster first became interested in teaching as a tutor for the TRIO Upward Bound program while in junior college. The program helps low-income, first-generation college-bound students get into and succeed in college by providing free afterschool tutoring, Saturday educational workshops, and college visits. Kristina recalls, “I was able to see that I could combine my love for helping people with my love for science.”

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Never stop learning

Teacher Ambassador Emerlyn Gatchalian

As a child, Emerlyn Gatchalian was always the teacher: “I’d always get the role of teacher whenever I had playtime with my friends.”

She began her formal teaching career in the Philippines, where a passionate chemistry teacher, who sometimes wore a magician hat and waved a fairy wand, inspired her love for teaching science. “She made learning so exciting and fun,” Emerlyn says. In 2005, after a decade teaching in the Philippines, Emerlyn came to the U.S., but, “Teaching here was so different.” Coming from a more disciplined classroom tradition, she wasn’t used to class management issues. So she sought additional training and learned to implement new classroom routines and policies.

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Students write better arguments with automated real-time feedback

High-Adventure Science HASBot analysis

Julia LaCava was a summer intern at the Concord Consortium. A junior at Ithaca College, she majors in communications. The Automated Scoring for Argumentation project, which we affectionately called “HASBot” is wrapping up. This four-year partnership between the High-Adventure Science (HAS) team at the Concord Consortium and Educational Testing Service (ETS) was funded by the […]

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Making connections between the classroom and home

Teacher Ambassador Thomas Troy

Thomas Troy’s dream vacation includes a trip to the Arctic “to witness rapid climate change,” but the best adventure he’s ever had was much closer to the equator. He and his family spent five weeks on a homestay in Costa Rica where they took classes to learn Spanish, which were “both rigorous and rewarding.” While his family “took advantage of opportunities to get to know as many Costa Ricans (or Ticos) as possible, such as local clerks, waiters, and teachers,” they also found time to go snorkeling, bird watching, and swimming.

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Teaching a world of students

Teacher Ambassador Karla Orosco

The Akers School is on the relatively remote Lemoore Naval Air Station located halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles, in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, an important agricultural region. Karla Orosco has been teaching 7th grade integrated science classes and electives for 18 years to Akers students who come from all over the U.S., as well as all over the world—Japan, Guam, the Philippines, and European bases.

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