
Programmable thermostats allow Energy3D to study the effects of human behavior on home energy use

Energy3D Version 5.1 has incorporated a new feature: programmable thermostats (Figure 1). This allows users to add a programmable thermostat to each building in the design. Such a thermostat allows building researchers to model the occupants’ schedules and thermal comfort preferences, making it possible to include a human dimension into building simulation.

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Energy3D V5.0 released

Full-scale building energy simulationInsolation analysis of a city blockWe are pleased to announce a milestone version of our Energy3D CAD software. In addition to fixing numerous bugs, Version 5.0 includes numerous new features that we have recently a…

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Energy3D in Colombia

Camilo Vieira Mejia, a PhD student of Purdue University, recently brought our Energy3D software to a workshop, which is a part of Clubes de Ciencia — an initiative where graduate students go to Colombia and share science and engineering concepts with …

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The National Science Foundation funds SmartCAD—an intelligent learning system for engineering design

We are pleased to announce that the National Science Foundation has awarded the Concord Consortium, Purdue University, and the University of Virginia a $3 million, four-year collaborative project to conduct research and development on SmartCAD, an intelligent learning system that informs engineering design of students with automatic feedback generated using computational analysis of their work. […]

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