Category: Tag: energy-efficiency
The High-Adventure Science modules, first written in 2011-2013, are each based on a big unanswered question in Earth/environmental science. These six modules include interactive computer-based systems models and real-world data that students use for evidence as they develop scientific arguments. The modules incorporate real-world data from the National Aeronautic and Space Administration, National Oceanic and […]
SimBuilding is an interactive, intelligent environment in which learners are immersed in scenarios that mimic situations they would encounter in real workplaces. Personalized tutoring is provided based on analyzing learner behavior.
We are pleased to announce that the National Science Foundation has awarded us a two-year, $500,000 exploratory grant to develop, test, and evaluate a citizen science program that engages youth to investigate energy issues through scientific inquiry wi…
Preparing students with the essential science knowledge and engineering skills that empower them to solve energy problems in their own homes with cutting-edge technologies such as infrared imaging and computer simulations.