
Explore extreme weather in your area

Graph of tMax in Palmdale, CA, in CODAP showing mean of 102.98 degrees F.

Leticia Perez is a Senior Professional Learning Specialist at WestEd. Frieda Reichsman is a Senior Research Scientist at the Concord Consortium. Headlines make the news all the time warning of warmer winters, changing seasonal patterns, life-threatening heat, or alternately dangerous freezing conditions. Whether you’re in Massachusetts or California, or somewhere in between, nearly everyone has […]

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7 ways to get a head start on New Year’s resolutions for your classroom

A visible target-match in Geniventure

Social media has been exploding with New Year’s resolutions since early fall. If you’d like to get a head start on your own educational resolutions for the next calendar year, we’ve got you covered. Want to help students see Earth science as a lab science? Add more data science activities to your high school classes? […]

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Six Months Closer to a New and Improved CODAP

At this six-month milestone of our efforts to re-engineer CODAP, I’m excited about the progress we’re making towards modernizing CODAP’s underlying source code. By moving from Sproutcore to more up-to-date web application tools, including Typescript, React, and D3, we’re working to ensure that CODAP will support data science education for many years—and for many more […]

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