
Why Artificial Intelligence Belongs in English Class

Alien language symbols and emotions

From 2001: Space Odyssey to The Terminator, our collective imagination is fascinated with Artificial Intelligence (AI). Even Disney Pixar’s Wall-E has something to say about AI, though on a lighter and arguably more accurate note. AI models are no longer futuristic or reserved for specific niche tech businesses or advanced computer science classes. Our Narrative […]

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Announcing Two Tinker Fellows for 2022

2022 Tinker Fellows

The theme for this year’s Robert F. Tinker Fellows Program, which aims to promote innovation, creativity, and cross-disciplinary conversations, focuses on inclusion, equity, and access in STEM education. We are delighted to announce two Tinker Fellows in 2022. Heather Barker will create data exploration activities for students from middle grades through introductory statistics college courses […]

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GeoCode: Volcanic Hazards Module Released to the Public

GeoCoder model

We are excited to announce that our GeoCode: Volcanic Hazards module is available for public use! This free two-week curriculum for middle and high school students has been piloted by participating research teachers as part of the National Science-Foundation funded GeoCode project and extensively studied and redesigned based on our research. It is now available […]

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10 Publications in 2021 Focus on Innovations in STEM Teaching and Learning

We published nine articles in researcher and teacher practitioner journals and one book chapter in 2021 that showcase innovations in STEM teaching and learning through technology. Learn how to design curricular materials that leverage digital tools for system modeling (#2), how to ensure powerful data learning experiences for all learners (#6), how to operationalize and […]

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For Equity and Justice, Start Where Students Are and Help Them Find Answers

Students from Longsjo Middle School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, at the EcoTarium

We recently revised our mission and vision statements, and described our efforts to address issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in several of our research projects. We know that this was only a beginning. As we said, “We are still learning how to design science, technology, engineering, and mathematics resources that are more socially […]

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