Welcome back.
As we at the Concord Consortium begin to make more regular posts to our blog, I’m not exactly certain whom I’m welcoming back more: you as our readers, or ourselves as bloggers. Either way, we’re pleased to have you as part of the conversation.
And we have plenty to talk about, as our most recent version of @Concord shows. Whether we’re giving advice to President Obama, imagining a world beyond textbooks, or giving you free online lessons to use next Monday, we’re interested in asking good questions about what technology can do for education. And as a new face around our halls, I’m personally thrilled to be a part of it all.
But, frankly, a conversation gets pretty boring with only one side, so we’re interested in hearing your thoughts as well. We hope you’ll bring your perspectives to our posts, tell us about software you love or want improved, and share your vision of how technology can help students learn better.
So welcome back. And stop back often, to help us turn good thoughts into a great dialogue.