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Monday’s Lesson: Can You Filter Your Water?

…activities, guidance from undergraduate and graduate student mentors, online interaction with STEM professionals, and learning about careers in environmental conservation and engineering. Student activities reflect the real-world challenges faced by…

Ocean Research Using Telepresence

…with an online seminar series during the spring 2014 semester, with weekly topics led by participating scientists regarding the research sites and the tools onboard the ship and the ROV….

Innovator Interview: Bill Finzer

…Describe CODAP [Common Online Data Analysis Platform]. A. Cliff Konold and I realized we could embed games in Fathom and TinkerPlots and have the games be the sources of data….

InquirySpace Research Project

…L. (2024). From graphs as task to graphs as tool. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 61(5), 1206–1233. Lee, H.-S., Gweon, G.-H., Webb, A., Damelin, D., & Dorsey, C….

Teaching Teamwork Research Project

…J., Koon, A., McIntyre, C., & von Davier, A. (2016). In-Task Assessment Framework: A framework for assessing individual collaborative problem solving skills in an online environment. American Educational Research Association….

Building Learning Communities

…about fundamental science concepts at an early age. With the use of models embedded in online stories kindergarten students start to develop a conceptual understanding of matter and its changes….

Building Learning Communities

…about fundamental science concepts at an early age. With the use of models embedded in online stories kindergarten students start to develop a conceptual understanding of matter and its changes….

GRASP Research Project

…hidden structures and unseen mechanisms). EEEs that facilitate reasoning about three critical science topics: molecular interactions, heat transfer, and Earth systems. How online simulation environments can effectively integrate EEEs into…

Next Step Learning Research Project

…applications with standards, instruction, and assessment. A standalone online course based on the Building Science Investigation Curriculum will be developed and administered by VHS to further broaden its impacts. We…