…“Sensing Science Through Modeling Matter for Kindergarten Students” Discover models, probes, and online interactive stories. 12:30-1:00 PM, GWCC, A410 “Argumentation and Modeling in Earth Science Using Free Online Modules” Free…
…it to the class, and building understanding through discussions and scientific debates. But what happens when students are experimenting and collecting data in an online activity using probes or a…
…about the states of matter using visualizations including models, probes, and online interactive stories. Argumentation and Modeling in Earth Science Using Free Online Modules Amy Pallant, Stephanie Harmon 12:30-1:00 PM,…
…about data practices. Participants will work with three or more datasets spanning multiple disciplines using the NSF-funded Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP), which is free, online, open source, and…
…who wanted to develop online courses for students or teachers. These first “netcourses” and the inquiry-based model for online teacher professional development they introduced increased access to training and professional…
Remote Professional Development: Using a System Modeling Tool for 3D Teaching and Learning Blog Post
…and other hands-on methods to reinforce learning. I had attended two online professional learning workshops offered in April 2020 by STEMteachersNYC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting a community of…
…at home. The results indicate that having an existing curriculum that is well-developed with a strong online presence was a great starting point for the teachers tasked with creating online…
…talking. The discussions are rich and help the students process and develop deep understandings.” Using the online teacher dashboard available in each curriculum module, Harmon looks at trends in students’…
…adjustable feedback: Supporting revision of scientific arguments involving uncertainty. Science Education, 103(3), 590-622. 4. Genetics with dragons: Using an online learning environment to help students achieve a multilevel understanding of…
…Using cluster analysis to explore students’ interactions with automated feedback in an online Earth science task. The International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education, 5(2), 111-135. Zhu, M., Liu, O….