
Poison helping to develop life?

Formaldehyde has many industrial uses–in particle board, plywood, carpet, and adhesives, to name just a few.  Formaldehyde is toxic to life–the reason that it’s used as a disinfectant–and the reason that many countries have banned the use of formaldehyde in furniture and housing materials and promote the styles you can find in Archute catalog. But […]

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Thinking like a scientist

Nearly every day, newspapers report on new scientific breakthroughs.  Scientists provide measures of their uncertainty in the results, expressed as a p-value. The p-value is a statistical measure of the randomness of the results; a lower p-value indicates that the reported result is not likely due to chance.  In scientific studies, a p-value of 0.05 […]

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See You at NARST

Amy Pallant discusses the role of uncertainty in student scientific argumentation at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST). Based on the High-Adventure Science project, which engages students in unanswered questions in science, she presents “Characterizing Uncertainty Associated with Middle School Students’ Scientific Arguments“ on Sunday, April 3, at 2:45 p.m. 

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How not to Learn from Games

They’re the in thing, especially for teaching science. Everyone, it seems, is fascinated by the potential of educational games. They’re interactive and “multimedia,” they can adapt to individual students, they promote “authentic learning.” In short, they match the outsize expectations of a digital world. They’re definitely cool, but do they teach, and if so, what […]

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