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Common Online Data Analysis Platform

…from the National Science Foundation, the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) project is creating software that can be used by curriculum developers to get students working with data—in any…

Resources for Online Learning

…and developed by curriculum experts—so you know you can trust them in your classroom! Use them now in your virtual classroom! /wp-content/uploads/2021/10/online-resources.mp4 Watch a short video about this. Search by…

Mobile Online Studio Research Project

…right answers. The Mobile Online Studio project is creating activities for middle and high school students in front-end design in which students engage in socioscientific reasoning and creative thinking while…

NSTA 2017

…AM, JW Marriott Los Angeles at L.A. LIVE, Platinum Ballroom Salon I Delve into how you can use the new STEM community of featuring online GIS modeling, DIY environmental sensors, scientific data…