
Tablet-friendly STEM Resources

Is your New Year’s resolution to find more interactive STEM resources that are tablet-ready? (We understand — we make similar technology-related resolutions, too!) We’ve optimized many of our browser-based interactive resources to run on popular tablets. By tuning our code, we’re able to make the power of our models available for your students! For example, […]

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Visual learning analytics based on graph theory: Part I

All educational research and assessment are based on inference from evidence. Evidence is constructed from learner data. The quality of this construction is, therefore, fundamentally important. Many educational measurements have relied on eliciting, analyzing, and interpreting students’ constructed responses to assessment questions. New types of data may engender new opportunities for improving the validity and […]

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Safari Javascript bug

Recently we found that our Lab framework caused the JavascriptCore of Safari 5.1 to crash. Safari 5.1 is the latest version available for OS X 10.6. If you have OS X 10.7 or 10.8, then you have Safari 6 which doesn’t have this problem. Too long; didn’t read solution: do not name your getters the […]

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Scoring explanation-certainty items in High-Adventure Science

Note: This blog post was updated January 24, 2022, with new images, exemplar answers, explanations of items, and links to new teacher resource materials, including two High-Adventure Science modules that offer automated scoring for selected argumentation items. One of the questions unique to the High-Adventure Science project is what we call the explanation-certainty item set. […]

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