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Server-side upload time tracking Blog Post

…random data file with: head -c 2000000 random_data Then I sent that off to the server with curl: % time curl -x localhost:8888 –data-urlencode something@random_data http://testserver-on-aws Apache Start Time: t=1359399773413862…

Amy Pallant

…Undergraduate research in the deep sea. International Journal of Science Education. Retrieved from Lee, H. –S., Pallant, A., Liu, O. L., Bracey, Z. B., Wang, T., & Pryputniewicz, S….

How much does a star weigh? Blog Post

…All they need to do now is find stars that have planets that have at least one moon. “When they’re found, we’ll be ready to weigh them,” said Kipping.…

Tracking the Permafrost Line Blog Post

From xkcd: The permafrost line is shifting. It may be slow by tornado-chasing standards, but it’s shifting. A study earlier this year from Université Laval in Quebec City, Canada…

Certainty Blog Post

From xkcd: Question: How can we trust ourselves (or scientists) to know the truth about anything? Answer: We look at the evidence. Scientists back up their claims with evidence….

Multicore computing: now and future Blog Post

…it a little machine that can easily crack the current military code ( This is a critical decision that will affect the architecture of future computers: will the future generation…

The Great Antarctic Glaciation Blog Post

…compensate for the lack of ice? Explore how greenhouse gases and ice affect Earth’s temperature and learn more about feedback and tipping points in the High-Adventure Science climate investigation.…

Thinking like a scientist Blog Post

…100 to be considered significant. Scientists test their hypotheses multiple times to be sure of the significance of their results. Even though one test may reach a significant p-value,…

Poison helping to develop life? Blog Post

…Formaldehyde is relatively abundant throughout the galaxy, making it possible that life could form in other solar systems in the same way that it formed in this solar system.…