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Raising the water table the natural way Blog Post

…developers to set aside land for beavers Learn about the science behind groundwater recharge and the water table in the High-Adventure Science investigation, “Will there be enough fresh water?”.…

News at Concord Consortium

…active participants in the open source SproutCore community ourselves. Concord Consortium Resources Featured in Mashable has featured Concord Consortium resources in two recent articles: 8 Ways Technology Is…

Under the Hood: Embedding a Simulation in CODAP

…values like the mean, which bounces around while the simulation is running. To learn more about CODAP, join our mailing list at or get the code at GitHub:….

Innovator Interview: Ethan McElroy

…of JavaScript is pretty amazing—from simple things like making images change on mouseover to becoming more of a full-fledged development language.” These days Ethan checks,, and Webdesigner News…

Server-side upload time tracking Blog Post

…random data file with: head -c 2000000 random_data Then I sent that off to the server with curl: % time curl -x localhost:8888 –data-urlencode something@random_data http://testserver-on-aws Apache Start Time: t=1359399773413862…

Developing a Modeling Orientation to Science

…CODAP document exploring crab data submitted by many students and classes through the EIN. Our goal is to engage students in multiple ways of learning through models, allowing them…