…trackers cannot exactly follow the sun but dual-axis trackers can. Dual-axis trackers have been implemented in our Energy3D software for photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, as is shown in the video…
…free and open source. Want to change the model? You can get access to the code and tweak it. Learn more in our latest video from the Molecular Workbench team!…
…amazing crowdsourced projects would have the potential to make huge contributions to both learning and societal good. Watch Clay Shirky’s video below – guaranteed to be among the best 13…
Surface computing on human skin and walls? Microsoft LightSpace brings augmented reality to a new dimension Blog Post
…surface geometry, making some traditionally difficult computer vision problems easier. For example, with a depth camera it is trivial to composite a false background in a video conferencing application. A…
…great website while you’re at it. Oh, and I snuck into the main museum for old times’ sake – here are some pictures and video snaps to refresh your memory…
…they design. OpenStudio, however, doesn’t quite do the job one would like to get done (judged from a demo video). The image below, taken from Wikipedia, is what we have…
…variety of the molecules we can make is limited and the molecules cannot have too many atoms. When computers were powerful enough to support 3D video gaming, chemistry educators realized…
…video that shows how air flows in a wind tunnel. Creating virtual devices and observing their properties will allow students to apply their knowledge and further enhance their learning, just…
…for a great conversation and plenty of food for thought. Thanks to everyone who came! Stay tuned to our site for more information and a video of the panel itself….
…a young bee will perform once it matures. In the IR video, heater bees’ thoraxes also appeared to be warmer, agreeing with what I observed using my IR camera for…