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Research on system modeling for classroom use Blog Post

…evaporative cooling. Through specific classroom examples, including photographs of student experiments, screenshots of student models, and model design guidelines, we illustrate ways in which this framework can inform curriculum design

News at Concord Consortium

…Joaquin County Office of Education FabLab, and the University of South Florida to design a curriculum for students to engage in authentic science practices and explore earthquake hazards, risks, and…

Teacher Innovator Interview: Renee Green

…Science Inquiry for Yup’ik Students project, funded by the U.S. Department of Education to adapt Concord Consortium’s STEM resources by including local phenomena and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) features….

Under the Hood: DataCard Deck

…developed a new online tool for our Collaborative Learning User Environment (CLUE) called the DataCard Deck to give students a just-structured-enough platform for collecting and sorting their moth data, discovering…

Critical Tools for Solving Today’s Complex Problems

…and generate legislative policies. A systems approach is critical for designing solutions. A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) include Systems and System Models…

Monday’s Lesson: Are We There Yet?

…it can be hard to predict. In this Monday’s Lesson, students learn how to build a mathematical model using M2Studio to calculate how long it takes to get somewhere. Designed…