Category: News
Lost in Lexicon: An Adventure in Words and Numbers is a fantasy adventure for students in grades 5-8, written by Concord Consortium board member, physician, and education reformer Pendred Noyce. In this first book in the Adventures in Lexicon series, cousins Ivan and Daphne travel through a magical land of words and numbers in search of the lost children of Lexicon, who have been lured away by mysterious lights in the sky.
The GENIQUEST project has been featured in the October issue of the National Science Teachers Association’s (NSTA) peer-reviewed journal for secondary science teachers, The Science Teacher. The article describes how the project uses a multi-layered genetics model to permit students to breed dragons and examine their genetics.
Concord Consortium board member Larry Rosenstock has received the prestigious 2010 Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Prize in Education. Rosenstock is the CEO and founding principal of High Tech High (HTH), and received the Secondary Education prize for creating educational ideas that work and scaling them up to improve student achievement.
Andy Zucker’s article, “Transforming Schools with Technology,” was featured in Independent School magazine. The special issue, focused on the theme of Teaching in a 2.0 World, won an award from the Association of Educational Publishers as the best single-theme issue of an education publication.
The new issue of @Concord includes articles on formative assessments in electronics, a new simulation for teaching and learning heat transfer, nanoscience and genetics education, and more.
At the Denver School of Science and Technology, a public charter high school serving many students from low-income families, laptops are used by teachers and students in a variety of ways. About 30% of the graduating class takes an AP Physics exam, compared to only 3% nationally.
The Concord Consortium announced its new President, Chad Dorsey, at the meeting of its Board of Directors on October 28, 2008. “Chad was the unanimous choice of the Board and has its enthusiastic support,” said Board Chairperson, Pendred Noyce.