
Crookes Tube

Experiment with a simulated Crookes tube for qualitative results similar to Thomson’s experiments in which the electron was discovered.

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Diffusion Across a Semipermeable Membrane

Explore the role of pore size in the diffusion of a substance across a membrane. Diffusion is the process of a substance spreading out from its origin. Molecules diffuse through random molecular motion. Diffusion is always happening, even when a system appears to have reached equilibrium, because molecules are always moving. Cells are selectively permeable, […]

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Concentrating Charge and Electric Fields

Before Ernest Rutherford’ s famous gold foil experiment in 1911, it was not known how the positive part of the atom was distributed. His experiment showed that if you shot positively charged particles at the atoms in a very thin sheet of gold foil, that very rarely, a particle would bounce back from the foil […]

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Conduction: Heat Conduction Through Materials

The heat conductivity of a solid material defines how fast heat will flow through it. You can probably think of several everyday examples of materials with high (fast) conductivity or low (slow) conductivity. This model illustrates the effect of different conductivities by placing different materials between a hot and a cold object and graphing the […]

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