
Heat Storage Depends on Size

This model shows how the size of an object affects how much heat energy it holds and hence how much is needed to heat it up or cool it down. You can explore this by watching the heat transfer between two objects with different sizes and different temperatures.

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Heat Storage Depends on Specific Heat

This model shows how specific heat of an object determines how much heat energy it holds and hence how much is needed to heat it up or cool it down. You can explore this by watching the heat transfer between two objects with different specific heats and different temperatures.

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Hydraulic Fracturing Model

Hydraulic fracturing is used to produce oil and natural gas from non-porous rock formations. Use this model to explore how such wells are drilled and fractured to release methane from a layer of shale. Like every energy-extraction process, there is the potential for contamination. Use the model to explore how contamination of aquifers might happen […]

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Hydrogen Bonds: A Special Type of Attraction

Explore the polar molecule interactions known as hydrogen bonds. Despite the ‚Äúbond‚Äù name, hydrogen bonds are a special type of dipole-dipole interaction. Hydrogen bonds between two molecules (or within portions of a larger molecule) when hydrogen atoms bonded to highly electronegative atoms (such as nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine) interact with electronegative portions of a different […]

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Intermolecular Attractions and States of Matter

Explore how states of matter are related to the strength of intermolecular attractions. The three common physical states of matter are solid, liquid and gas. All matter is made up of atoms, which make up molecules. Atoms and molecules can be weakly or strongly attracted to each other. The way that large molecules interact in […]

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