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Rhode Island Students Score High on Inquiry

…and technology with the mission to foster a two-way connection between higher education and classroom teaching. Positive effects on educators and education A team of RITES collaborators researched the effects

Board of Directors

…has volunteered for countless programs. Diederich Framhein Diederich Framhein is an international investment consultant based in Europe. A German national, he earned a law doctorate from the University of Cologne…

Early start in educational research Blog Post

…the absence of aircraft carriers from the German fleet offered protection enough in that long ago time. But today, as we learn to cope with sporadic and unpredictable violence resulting…

Preparing Learners for the Future

…they assume an entirely new nature. Actions involving tiny elements on a system’s periphery can elicit significant effects throughout. These effects may arise with surprising immediacy or emerge only following…

Molecular Workbench and the New Standards

…and macromolecules, and applies Newton’s laws to determine the resulting motion. When the interactions of hundreds of atoms are computed this way, collective behavior emerges that can illustrate macroscopic effects