
Introduction to Modeling (Fall 2017 v2)

In this sequence, students learn about modeling with SageModeler, a web-based systems dynamics modeling tool. Students define boundaries of the system, label variables, set relationships, make predictions, and run simulations to test their hypotheses about model outcomes. This sequence builds towards the NGSS practice of developing and using models and the crosscutting concept of systems […]

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Is there life in space?

The High-Adventure Science Space Module contains six activities. In this module, you will explore the question, “Is there life in space?”In this module, you will discover how scientists find planets and other astronomical bodies through the wobble (also known as Doppler spectroscopy or radial-velocity) and transit methods. Then you will compare zones of habitability around […]

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Unit 1 – Inv. 3: What are all materials made of? (v2)

In this Investigation, students will start by analyzing observations of matter in order to evaluate continuous and particle models of matter. Students will then use evidence from mixing water and ethanol to evaluate those models. Finally, students will apply their model to explain observations of gases. This Investigation builds toward NGSS PE HS-PS1-3.

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Unit 1 – Inv. 4: What are nature’s building blocks? (v2)

This investigation follows the historical development of models of atomic structure and provides students with the opportunity to explore simulations of some of the experiments that led to these models. In addition, through hands-on activities involving representative objects, this investigation helps students gain insight into the size of atoms as compared with other small objects. […]

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Unit 1 – Inv. 5: How does an object become charged? (v2)

Students will build upon the model of atomic structure that they developed in the previous investigation. In addition, they will explore the forces involved in maintaining an atom’s structure and the effect that introduction into an electric field has on electron distribution. Students will extend their conceptual model of electrostatic interactions to include 1) electron […]

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