
Will the air be clean enough to breathe?

The High-Adventure Science Air Quality module has six activities. Explore the question, will the air be clean enough to breathe? You will be guided through the analysis of models and real-world data as you explore the interactions of factors that affect a region’s air quality. You will not be able to answer the module’s framing […]

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Will there be enough fresh water?

The High-Adventure Science Water module has six activities. In this module you will consider the question: will there be enough fresh water? In this guided activity, you will explore the distribution and uses of fresh water on Earth. Explore models of porosity and permeability, run experiments with computational models, and hear from a hydrologist working […]

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¿Cómo será el clima de la Tierra en el futuro?

El módulo de Clima de High-Adventure Science tiene cinco actividades. El módulo explora la pregunta, “¿Cómo será el clima de la Tierra en el futuro?” A través de una serie de preguntas guiadas, explorarás las interacciones entre los factores que afectan el clima de la Tierra. Explora los datos de temperatura de núcleos de hielo, […]

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¿Estará el aire suficientemente limpio como para respirarlo?

El módulo de Calidad del Aire de Alta Aventura Científica contiene cinco actividades. En este módulo se explora la pregunta: ¿Estará el aire lo suficientemente limpio como para respirarlo? Serán guiados a través del análisis de modelos y datos del mundo real a medida que exploran las interacciones de los factores que afectan la calidad […]

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African Lions: Modeling Populations

Learn to distinguish between exponential and logistic growth of populations, identify carrying capacity, differentiate density-dependent and density-independent limiting factors, apply population models to data sets and determine carrying capacity from population data. Make predictions on graphs and interpret graphical data to analyze factors that influence population growth. » Lesson Plan and Student Assessment documents are […]

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Atomic Structure

In this activity students explore the structure and properties of atoms. They construct models of atoms with properties of particular mass and charge; create models of atoms with different stabilities by adding or subtracting neutrons, protons, and electrons to a model atom; and determine that the same element may have varying number of neutrons and […]

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Atoms and Conservation of Energy

In this activity, students will explore how the Law of Conservation of Energy (the First Law of Thermodynamics) applies to atoms, as well as the implications of heating or cooling a system. This activity focuses on potential energy and kinetic energy as well as energy conservation. The goal is to apply what is learned to […]

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In this activity students will design, build, and test a bridge made with file folders to see which design is the strongest.

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