
Natural Selection

The concept of interdependence in an ecosystem and its effect on the evolution of populations is further explored through a model of a dam. Students build a dam in the middle of the field, dividing the ecosystem in half to illustrate the affects of geographic isolation. They watch as the grass and then the rabbit […]

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Parachute Experiment (InquirySpace: 5)

Explore the effect of different masses on the terminal velocity of a falling parachute. In this hands-on laboratory experiment, students use a motion sensor to collect data on coffee filter parachutes as they drop to the group. Measure the terminal velocity of falling objects with several different masses using a motion probe. Stack multiple coffee […]

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Parachute Model (InquirySpace: 4)

Experiment with how things fall through the atmosphere. What are the factors that influence how quickly a dropped object will reach its terminal velocity or what that final speed will be? Varying mass and surface area in a model of a parachute and jumper in this fourth InquirySpace activity is an ideal system to investigate […]

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Phase Change

In this activity, students explore phase change at a molecular level. They trace the path of an atom to view intermolecular interactions and investigate how temperature relates to phase change. Upon activity completion, students will be able to give examples of phase change, explain how the input of energy into a system affects the state […]

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Focus on how certain molecules called pigments interact with light and determine the color of plants. Explore how molecules such as chlorophyll interact with light and gain energy. This energy is used by plants to make sugar and release oxygen.

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