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MW applets and MWScript-JavaScript interactions Blog Post

…from (which hosts MW) on your web page, just embed the following applet code within the body of your HTML file: <applet id=”applet_id” archive=”” code=”org.concord.modeler.MwApplet” width=”100%” height=”500″> <param name=”script”…

Know thy star to know its planets Blog Post

…about the stars to fully describe the planets. Just as in all scientific fields, the latest breakthrough discoveries are always built on a strong foundation of basic research.…

Finding little planets with new technology Blog Post

…Earth-like and have the ability to support life. You can explore the transit method–how the Kepler telescope detects planets–in our space investigation “Is there life outside of Earth?”…

Raising the water table the natural way Blog Post

…developers to set aside land for beavers Learn about the science behind groundwater recharge and the water table in the High-Adventure Science investigation, “Will there be enough fresh water?”.…