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Going up? Blog Post

…Ending all greenhouse gas emissions immediately is not a realistic option. So Earth’s temperature will likely increase further. How much? Scientists are still tweaking the models to determine that.…

Wanted: Cause of the End of “Snowball Earth” Blog Post

…of “Snowball Earth,” but one thing’s for sure–we’ll know a lot more about how the Earth works by trying to craft a good explanation. That’s the way science works!…

Harvesting Planets Blog Post

…of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. This is just the beginning for finding Earth-like planets around other stars! Learn more about planet hunting in the High-Adventure Science space investigation.…

Good Science/Bad Science Blog Post

…up to a real-life test. That’s how you’ll know when you’re dealing with good science. Learn some good science in the High-Adventure Science investigations on climate, water, and space.…

Digging into Permafrost Blog Post

…seasonally frozen, and thawed soil layers. The quest to forecast the future continues. To learn about how carbon dioxide affects Earth’s climate, try out the High-Adventure Science climate investigation.…

Announcing 2021 Tinker Fellow Stephen Callahan Blog Post

…a single bound. The San Joaquin County Office of Education FabLab. Part engineering classroom, part makerspace, the FabLab is a 100% designated student design zone. The idea behind the…

A Red “Snow White” Blog Post

…already been made. Stay tuned to see what they re-name “Snow White.” Explore how spectroscopy is used to determine the atmospheric composition of distant planets in our space investigation.…

Trees to the (partial) rescue! Blog Post

…being stored in the wood rather than being released into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the trees don’t take in ALL of the released carbon dioxide… trees to the (partial) rescue!…

Freak Control: On computing without keyboards Blog Post

…using your brain as a controller. The implications for reaching an even higher vegetative state state of flow are simply staggering. Second, one story that illustrates Apple’s genius in…

Ocean Currents–The Big Unknowns Blog Post

…means to explore or predict possible system responses to the current climate change.” As always, science requires more study to start filling in the blanks of the big unknowns!…