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Ocean Currents–The Big Unknowns Blog Post

…means to explore or predict possible system responses to the current climate change.” As always, science requires more study to start filling in the blanks of the big unknowns!…

Trees to the (partial) rescue! Blog Post

…being stored in the wood rather than being released into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the trees don’t take in ALL of the released carbon dioxide… trees to the (partial) rescue!…

Multicore computing: now and future Blog Post

…it a little machine that can easily crack the current military code ( This is a critical decision that will affect the architecture of future computers: will the future generation…

Science and Politics: What to do? Blog Post

From xkcd: Science is about facts and evidence. There is a lot of evidence that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. You can explore with our models how carbon…

How much does a star weigh? Blog Post

…All they need to do now is find stars that have planets that have at least one moon. “When they’re found, we’ll be ready to weigh them,” said Kipping.…

Missing: Fresh Groundwater Blog Post

…roughly the same amount of sea level rise caused by melting glaciers and icecaps outside of Greenland and Antarctica and 25% of the total sea level rise per year!…

It’s going to be a warm one in the south… Blog Post

…big question, for us humans, is how humans will fare. Explore the role of oceans in Earth’s climate with our activity, “What will Earth’s climate be in the future?”…