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Server-side upload time tracking Blog Post

…random data file with: head -c 2000000 random_data Then I sent that off to the server with curl: % time curl -x localhost:8888 –data-urlencode something@random_data http://testserver-on-aws Apache Start Time: t=1359399773413862…

Climate and Pollution Blog Post

…carbon dioxide emissions to accelerate the warming process. Read the summary at Learn how albedo affects global temperature with our models in the “What will Earth’s climate be in…

Carbon dioxide as a structural component? Blog Post

…society… Learn more about how carbon dioxide and global warming in our “What will Earth’s climate be in the future?” investigation. Read the full article from Popular Science at:…

Going up? Blog Post

…Ending all greenhouse gas emissions immediately is not a realistic option. So Earth’s temperature will likely increase further. How much? Scientists are still tweaking the models to determine that.…

A Datasheet for NextGen MW Blog Post

…I add that model again? Oh yeah, Tools -> Insert -> Molecular Model…” This model is constraining even though it’s always been possible to download and open Molecular Workbench via…

Wanted: Cause of the End of “Snowball Earth” Blog Post

…of “Snowball Earth,” but one thing’s for sure–we’ll know a lot more about how the Earth works by trying to craft a good explanation. That’s the way science works!…

Harvesting Planets Blog Post

…of the University of Geneva, Switzerland. This is just the beginning for finding Earth-like planets around other stars! Learn more about planet hunting in the High-Adventure Science space investigation.…