
Raleigh, NC
Mar. 13-17, 2019
Conference Website

CitiSci2019 celebrates and explores the deep roots and broad branches that form the strong core of this field. Connect with other leaders and learners from many backgrounds. We deepen our own work as we share our diverse perspectives and practices – no matter what we investigate or what we call our efforts.

Thursday, March 14

Making Scientific Data (and Learning) Playful & Tangible (Poster)

Colin Dixon, HyunJoo Oh (Georgia Institute of Technology), Lila Finch (University of Colorado Boulder)

4:45 – 6:45 PM, Ballroom

Despite efforts to diversify science, women and people of color remain underrepresented in science, including citizen science (CS). We believe this is in part due to the narrow nature of practices, values, and stories legitimized within science and science education. To broaden participation, we argue it is important to support playful, expressive, and tangible work with scientific tools and concepts. We present a proof of concept in CS and two projects that CS educators and scientists can use to engage learners with scientific data and concepts, while creating expressive, interactive objects.

Download the poster (PDF)

Friday, March 15

From Data Collection to Data Production: Two studies and a set of questions

Colin Dixon, Emily Harris (BSCS Science Learning), Lisa Hardy, Heidi Ballard (University of California, Davis), Erin Bird (University of California, Davis)

3:45 – 5:15 PM, RCC 301A

Data science education (DSE) is a growing priority in STEM education that educators involved in citizen and community science (CCS) will increasingly encounter. Yet DSE brings assumptions and goals that may or may not complement those of CCS. This talk raises questions that CCS practitioners should be asking of DSE, such that DSE efforts enhance, not detract from, CCS aims.

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