Since 2017, the Concord Consortium has fostered a community of practice centered on data science education (DSE) research at the K-12 level. This work has centered on bringing together education and technology researchers and developers to share ideas and build toward comprehensive data fluency for all learners.
Data Science Education Research Community of Practice Database
With support from the Valhalla Foundation, we have created a new public database to facilitate an understanding of the community, grow and strengthen connections among community members, and share important research publications to inform the field.
We invite you to view a gallery of all DSE community members, the work they have published, and how they are connected to each other, or to download the contact list in CSV format. You can also view or download a list of publications by community members within the field of K-12 data science education.
As this database is intended to be an evolving resource for DSE research as the community grows, we would like to solicit suggestions for edits or additions to the database. Please suggest corrections or additions to contacts or publications within the database.
Please email Kate Miller with any questions.
Data Science Education Newsletter
Our data science education newsletter highlighting work in DSE across the Concord Consortium and its partners is sent roughly quarterly. Subscribe here and choose “Data Science Education” as a focus area.