Steve Kerlin, Ph.D., is the director of
education at Stroud Water Research Center. His academic degrees focus on science and environmental
education from Penn State. His research interests are in environmental and science education, technology
to enhance and extend outdoor education, educator professional development, and inquiry-based teaching and
learning. Kerlin was a middle and high school science teacher at Penns Valley School District in central
Pennsylvania for seven years and an assistant professor of science education and environmental education
for a combined 6.5 years at Northern Kentucky University (NKU) and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens
Point (UWSP). At NKU he was also the director of the Center for Environmental Education. At UWSP he was
also a statewide extension and outreach specialist in nature center and camp management. Kerlin is an
Eagle Scout and worked at Custaloga Town Scout Reservation for 10 summers. When not at work, Kerlin enjoys
kayaking, rock climbing, backpacking, hiking, and other outdoor adventures with his family.